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Query: Equity Oriented Mutual Funds

Category: Mutual Fund

Answer: What are equity oriented mutual funds?

Date Posted 27-Nov-2019
Posted By Kumar Prakash
Views: 1015

Admin On 06-Dec-2019
Equity-oriented mutual funds are funds that invest at least 65 per cent in equity shares and remaining in other debt securities. In equity funds the major portion is invested in equities so we larger chance of getting more returns. Also from a taxation angle, these investments will be treated as equity funds, and long-term capital gain tax will be less on assets for one year. These schemes are directly investing in stocks. On one hand these are attractive as equity but in the short term they can be risky because their performance depend on how the stock market performs. Investors should look to invest in these schemes for a longer period of at least five to 10 years. There are many different kinds of equity schemes.

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